GW Together, Looking to the Future


Building Community

GW Together, Looking to the Future

Since starting at GW in July 2023, President Ellen M. Granberg has been traversing the United States, meeting with alumni, families and friends of GW. This GW Together tour offered a chance for the president to hear from the university community and to share her thoughts about our collective future.


Sept 16 philadelphia


GW September 30
October 18, Denver
October 19 Chicago
November 16 New York City
Feb 13 Palm Beach
Feb 15 Miami
March 12 Los Angeles
March 13 San Fransisco
March 14 Seattle


President Ellen Granberg

In every city I visited, I was continually inspired by our incredible network of GW alumni, families and friends. I am so grateful for our community’s passion for GW, commitment to helping move the university forward, and courage to provide honest feedback about where we are and where we can go. Together, I am confident we can not only build a stronger GW but a greater world.

- President Granberg


GW Together by the Numbers 


"10 Cities," a photograph of the Statue of Liberty
"7 months," a photo of a calendar
"10,992 Miles Traveled," odometer graphic
"11 bags of airline pretzels," a photo of pretzels
50 students interviewed about their hopes for GW's future
2000+ participants